Thursday, July 23, 2009


Hadley loves cheerios. We're not sure if she likes the taste of it (it's not Honey Nut Cheerios) or if it's the only food she can feed herself with. Usually we have a really tough time getting her to play with any toy for more than 5 minutes, but if we give her cheerios, she's completely content. It's really cute how she does eat the cheerios. She starts by touching it with her index finger. Then she pushes it to her thumb and upon success, it goes in the mouth. Sometimes the index finger and thumb does not meet, but the cheerios stick to the hand. In that case, the entire hand goes into the mouth. If we're lucky, she'll offer us the cheerio with her entire hand!

I am looking forward to other types of food. So far most of them stick too hard to the serving surface and Hadley just gets frustrated.

Mama Baba

Hadley had her first word today! As I was desperately trying to feed her (she wants to feed herself and can only pick up cheerios) I said mama and she did the same. Of course, everyone's going to say that she was saying gibberish and I thought I heard her repeat mama to me, but daddy who was in the kitchen heard the same thing. Later on in the evening, after her shower and while daddy was drying her, I said mama again and so did she! Now here's the even better part. Daddy said baba and she also said baba. After this, I told Hadley that if she wanted to keep me up all night, that was fine by me. I am just so excited she said her first word and both Justin and I were around to here it. I'm glad it wasn't at daycare.